The Vintage Mustang

Vintage Mustang Stories & Tech

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Snakes in a Barn – 1969 Shelby GT500

Sometimes Mustangs come my way simply because I'm known for being a Mustang guy. This time it was my wife's reputation for driving Mustangs that lead to finding a pair of '69 Shelbys in a barn. A...

Out of Chaos – 1966 Mustang GT Clone

I purchased this 1966 Mustang GT clone in 2000 after working hundreds of hours preparing computer systems for Y2K. It was my reward to myself for doing my part...

Ford Toploader and Shifter Article by Kevinstang

Originally published by Kevinstang in 2003 Toploader 1966 Mustang Toploader HEH-BW Tailstock correct for early Mustang with shifter at very rear, shown upside down so part number can be read Correct...

1965 – 1979 Mustang Alignment by Mustang Monthly

This article was written by Mustang Monthly in 2006 and gives details, specs and tools needed for aligning your vintage Mustang. External Website

Alignment by GT350Clone

Originally written by GT350Clone in 2003 In the course of building & sorting the car, we had experience with several alignment shops. Most “production” alignment shops are equipped to deal with...

A Pilot’s Steed – 1968 Coupe

I purchased my 1968 Mustang about 6 years ago, it had 79,252 miles on the clock at the time. It is a basic C-code 289 coupe with factory A/C, automatic, power steering and a vinyl roof. It is...

Ford 9″ (and 8″) Differentials by Kevinstang

Originally published by Kevinstang in 2003 NEW UPDATE 12/20/04 !! Introduction The most popular rear end around is no doubt the Ford 9 inch unit, it is used by restorers, street rodders and racers...

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Snakes in a Barn – 1969 Shelby GT500

Snakes in a Barn – 1969 Shelby GT500

Sometimes Mustangs come my way simply because I'm known for being a Mustang guy. This time it was my wife's reputation for driving Mustangs that lead to finding a pair of '69 Shelbys in a barn. A school acquaintance noticed that my wife drove a late model Mustang and...

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Out of Chaos – 1966 Mustang GT Clone

Out of Chaos – 1966 Mustang GT Clone

I purchased this 1966 Mustang GT clone in 2000 after working hundreds of hours preparing computer systems for Y2K. It was my reward to myself for doing my part to prevent the looming chaos that saving a little computer memory in...

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